5 Crystals Used in Jewelry That Promote Healing

the Sacred Sound Healing System

Everyone knows that a well-chosen piece of jewelry can make any outfit pop. But did you know that certain types of jewelry can also promote healing and well-being? Indeed, some crystals possess properties that can help balance energy, calm the mind, and even enhance your mood. Here are five crystals commonly used in jewelry that can contribute to your overall wellness.

1. Amethyst

Beloved for its vibrant purple color, the amethyst crystal is a mainstay in many jewelry pieces. Aside from its aesthetic value, amethyst is known for its calming properties. Wearing this gemstone can help balance mood swings, dispel anger and fear, and aid in meditation and spiritual awareness.

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2. Rose Quartz

Known as the stone of universal love, rose quartz is popular in jewelry because of its beautiful pink hue and its symbolism. It’s said to restore harmony in relationships and encourage self-love. So, if you’re looking to nurture more love in your life, rose quartz jewelry might be the perfect accessory for you.

3. Citrine

Citrine’s warm, sunny color isn’t just eye-catching—it’s also believed to bring positivity. This crystal is often associated with prosperity and success, making it a favorite among professionals and business owners. Wearing citrine can supposedly help you attract wealth and abundance, and who couldn’t use a bit more of that?

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4. Hematite

This shiny, metallic crystal is as potent as it is pretty. Hematite is often used for grounding and balance. If you’re feeling scattered or overwhelmed, hematite jewelry can supposedly help you feel more centered and calm.

5. Lapis Lazuli

Lapis lazuli’s deep, celestial blue has made it a sought-after stone for centuries. Known as a stone of wisdom and truth, lapis lazuli can supposedly aid in intellectual analysis and problem-solving. It’s a fantastic choice if you’re looking for jewelry that’s as thought-provoking as it is beautiful.

While the healing benefits of these gemstones can be experienced by anyone, some people find them particularly helpful during meditation or when trying to manifest dreams into reality. To those interested in exploring the healing potential of sound and vibration in conjunction with these gemstones, you might want to check out the Sacred Sound Healing System. This digital program uses sound healing techniques to help you realize your visions, all while raising your vibrations and promoting general wellbeing.

Remember, when it comes to choosing jewelry, you should always consider more than just the design. After all, as this article about self-defense tools highlights, the right piece of jewelry can serve multiple purposes. It’s also worth mentioning that like the crystals mentioned above, jewelry pieces are powerful tools for self-expression and can also serve as reflections of our inner journey, as this article on fashion statements suggests.

Whether you’re into jewelry for its aesthetic, healing properties, or both, I hope this article gives you a new perspective on the pieces you choose to wear. With the right intention and the right pieces, you can enhance not just your look, but your life as well.

Harnessing the Power of Healing Crystals

While science hasn’t fully substantiated the claims about the healing powers of crystals, many individuals swear by their experiences. Using crystals for healing and wellness is based on the principle of energy fields. Each crystal supposedly vibrates at a particular frequency, and when you wear or hold a crystal, your energy field, or ‘aura’, is thought to interact with the crystal’s vibration.

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Whether or not you subscribe to the belief in their mystical properties, crystals can serve as powerful physical reminders of the intentions we set for ourselves. For instance, wearing a piece of rose quartz jewelry might serve as a daily reminder to practice self-love and compassion, while a hematite pendant can be a touchstone for balance and grounding during stressful times.

The Intersection of Aesthetics and Healing

It’s worth noting that even without their reputed healing properties, these crystals are undeniably beautiful and make for stunning jewelry pieces. The appeal of crystal jewelry is dual-faceted; it lies in the intersection of aesthetics and potential healing capabilities. When you wear a piece of crystal jewelry, you’re not just adding to your style; you’re incorporating elements of the natural world that resonate with you on a deeper level.

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Care and Maintenance of Your Crystal Jewelry

To ensure that your crystal jewelry stays in excellent condition, it’s important to handle and clean it with care. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials as these may damage the crystal’s surface. Some crystals are also sensitive to sunlight and can fade with prolonged exposure. Always store your crystal jewelry in a clean, dry place when not in use. Many also believe in the practice of ‘cleansing’ and ‘recharging’ crystals by placing them in moonlight or sunlight, or using other crystals like selenite.


Clare Louise

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